Delta Dog’s Friends

Watch this 2-minute video as four Highline employees — Aaron Reader, Kim Southerland, Michelle Johnson and Danielle Slota — share their thoughts on ctcLink.

Delta DogDelta Dog interviewed a few of her campus friends to learn what they are looking forward to doing in ctcLink PeopleSoft. See four friends in the video above. Read thoughts from several others below.

Do you have something to share? Email Delta Dog.

Edith Dillard, Finance and Auxiliary Services

Edith DillardEdith is looking forward to the “functionality and ease of the PeopleSoft system.”

As examples she mentions the “luxury of not doing as many manual transactions through an Excel template” and “setting up Run Control processes for reports.”

Kendra Ferrer, Finance and Auxiliary Services

Kendra Ferrar“I have learned that the new software program, PeopleSoft, will be very user friendly and we will not need to post all student financial activity manually anymore. The reason why this is so important is because it will give the Student Financials staff more time to cross train and interact with staff and faculty to come up with ideas that will benefit our students.”

She added: “I am excited to see how we will be able to interact with students in a new environment. My hope is to create clear messages for students for all of the different scenarios experienced by students. Won’t it be wonderful if students can focus on their classes and grades rather than wondering why they were dropped from a class or owe money to the college?”

Josh Gerstman, Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Josh Gerstman“I’ve been participating in online training for ctcLink and learning how to manage my time, travel and expenses online, and to monitor our division and department budgets in one place and in a clear fashion. Having worked at two different colleges, I like the fact that as a student or employee my information will be consistent from one college to the next. I also appreciate that departments across campus and across our system are using a common framework. I think this will lead to better problem solving and support for an overall better student experience.”

Michelle Johnson, Educational Planning/Advising

“What I'm most excited for with PeopleSoft is that we can assign tasks and checklists to our students so come registration time each quarter my students can hopefully get their forms turned in quickly and be able to register on time.”

Ann Korn, Respiratory Care

“Peoplesoft reminds me of Canvas a lot. Things are named differently but the basic idea is the same. I remember trying to learn Canvas when I first came, it was a struggle. Now, I really don’t think about it. If I can’t find something, I play around until I do, or go to the help section. There are always way too many terms with these kind of things, but you don’t memorize them, just keep using it and it will get easier. It isn’t nearly as hard as it first appeared. It helps to watch the very short videos examples that are part of the training courses, like PeopleSoft Fundamentals. It was very easy to see that this isn’t nearly so hard.”

Barbara Lester, Student Services

“Don’t wait to do the training. Do little pieces at a time. It makes it easier to get through. Doing the training made me excited because I learned that I won’t have to have five or six programs open at the same time.”

Jean Munro, Women’s Programs and WorkFirst Services

Jean MunroJean is happy about our upcoming move to ctcLink. Here’s a bit of what she learned in the Employee Self-Service (ES100) course: “I learned how to reduce the amount of clicks (7) down to 2 clicks by creating my personalized homepage with tiles I will be using most for my job. I also now know I have more than one way to access actions I will be using each day.”

She added: “When other employees in my department are out on leave I will be able to complete other staff duties as long as I have the approved access. … I am very excited about creating my own favorites and homepage that will allow me to meet with students more and free up my search and click time. … #happyforctclink”

Thi Nguyen, Accounts Payable

“The prospect of transparency, efficiency and electronic records in PeopleSoft is exciting. I am looking forward to processing payments in the new system.”

Aaron Reader, Vice President for Student Services

Aaron Reader“While there are many benefits to PeopleSoft, one thing I'm looking forward to is our ability to have a much more integrated system for students, giving them the opportunity to communicate with their instructor or their advisor to view their grades, track their academic progress and apply for graduation.

Danielle Slota, Office of the President

“I'm excited for ctcLink because it's a centralized system of online functions that will give students, faculty and staff anytime, anywhere access to a modern, efficient way of doing our college business. One great feature that I'm really excited about is that students will have 24/7 access to online student center where they can register for classes, handle financial aid processes, pay tuition and fees, add, drop or swap classes, contact an instructor or an advisor, manage their personal contact information, view grades, track academic goals and apply for graduation. I can't wait for our students to have access to this tool because it will both help them as well as make our work as employees more efficient.”

Kim Southerland, Student Services

“I'm looking forward to the wild card feature on PeopleSoft. It's the advanced search technique that can be used to maximize your search results in the database.”

Izzy Wroblewski, Student Support and Funding Services

Izzy Wroblewski Izzy likes how you can personalize the tiles on your homepage in ctcLink PeopleSoft. “I used to work in the California State University system, and we used PeopleSoft. I always navigated through a bunch of different pages to get to what I needed. I wish I knew then how to customize the tiles on my homepage! It would have saved me a lot of time! I am glad I know now and I look forward to personalizing my page when we launch!”